Posts tagged with golang
Golang Assert
Assert is a package that provides a set of helper functions that make it easier to test various properties in your Go programs.
Golang Atoi
Atoi is a method in the strconv package that converts a string to an integer in Golang. I
Golang ParseInt
ParseInt is a method in the strconv package that converts a string to an integer. It takes in a string, a base, and a bit size. It returns an integer and an error.
Golang Enum (A Complete Guide)
In Go Enum is a type that consists of a set of named constants. Constants are used to represent a fixed value that the program may not alter during its execution.
Golang Interfaces Demystified: A Complete Handbook
Demystify Golang interfaces with this comprehensive handbook. Learn how to specify method sets that types must adhere to. Gain valuable insights into the practical applications of interfaces in Go programming.