Kevin Kelche

Golang Anonymous Structs

What are Anonymous Structs in Golang?

An anonymous struct is a struct without a name. It is used to create a struct on the fly without having to define a struct type. It is also useful when you want to create a struct with a single field.

How to create an Anonymous Struct in Golang

To create an anonymous struct, you can use the following syntax:

<var>:= struct {
    <field> type
    field: value,


In the above syntax, <var> is the variable name of the anonymous struct, <field> is the field name of the anonymous struct, and type is the type of the field. The value of the field is assigned to the variable using the field: value syntax. The value of the field can be any valid value of the type of field.


s1 := struct {
    name string
    age  int
    name: "John",
    age:  30,


How to access the fields of an Anonymous Struct in Golang

To access the fields of an anonymous struct the . operator can be used. The syntax is as follows:

s1 := struct {
    name string
    age  int
    name: "John",
    age:  30,

fmt.Println( // John
fmt.Println(s1.age) // 30


Anonymous struct array in Golang

Anonymous structs can be used to create an array of structs. The syntax is as follows:

s := [3]struct {
    name string
    age  int
        name: "John",
        age:  30,
        name: "Mary",
        age:  25,
        name: "Peter",
        age:  35,

fmt.Println(s[0].name) // John
fmt.Println(s[0].age) // 30
fmt.Println(s[1].name) // Mary
fmt.Println(s[1].age) // 25
fmt.Println(s[2].name) // Peter
fmt.Println(s[2].age) // 35


In the example above, an array of anonymous structs is created. The array has 3 elements. Each element is an anonymous struct with the name and age fields.

Since slices are built on top of arrays, anonymous structs can also be used to create a slice of structs.

Anonymous struct with a method in Golang

Anonymous structs can also have methods. The syntax is as follows:

s1 := struct {
    name string
    age  int
    name: "John",
    age:  30,

func (s struct {
    name string
    age  int
}) greet() {

s1.greet() // Hello John


In the example above, a method greet() for the anonymous struct s1 is created. The method greet() takes the anonymous struct as a receiver. The greet() method can be called on the s1 variable.

Anonymous struct interface in Golang

Anonymous structs can also implement an interface. The syntax is as follows:

type person interface {

s1 := struct {
    name string
    age  int
    name: "John",
    age:  30,

func (s struct {
    name string
    age  int
}) greet() {

func sayHello(p person) {

sayHello(s1) // Hello John


In the example above, the anonymous struct s1 implements the person interface. The sayHello() function takes the person interface as a parameter. The s1 variable is passed to the sayHello() function. The s1 variable implements the person interface, so it can be passed to the sayHello() function.

Nested Anonymous Structs in Golang

Anonymous structs can be nested. The syntax is as follows:

s1 := struct {
    name string
    age  int
    address struct {
        street string
        city   string
    name: "John",
    age:  30,
    address: struct {
        street string
        city   string
        street: "Main Street",
        city:   "New York",

fmt.Println( // John
fmt.Println(s1.age) // 30
fmt.Println(s1.address.street) // Main Street
fmt.Println( // New York


In the example above, the address field of the anonymous struct s1 is a nested anonymous struct.


Anonymous structs are useful when you need to create a struct quickly without defining a struct type. They can also be used to construct an array or a struct slice. Anonymous structs can also implement interfaces and have methods. Anonymous structs can be nested as well.

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